I just got finished cleaning up the apartment from our weekend camping excursion. I pulled the sheets down that acted as our tent, swept the games back into their cupboard, and vacuumed the grass....uh, I mean floor. Okay, so technically we didn't go
camping per say, but we definitely had an amazing fort in the middle of the living room where we lived for the past two and half days. Indeed, we experienced the fancier side of camping, which included episodes of The Office, heat for the colder nights, working restrooms with all the accoutrements, and so on. You get the idea.
Since Spring has been a little shy and Pete and I are both itching to get some time outside, I decided to surprise Pete with a fort and all the necessities to pretend like we were out in nature have a grand ole' time. So as I'm grabbing all the "camping supplies" upstairs, I think I hear the front door open, but figure it's this old apartment creaking and go on my way. I was wrong...on my way down the stairs, who turns the corner and meets me halfway?? Pete...yep, he decided to surprise me and come home a little early from work. Funny isn't it. There we both were caught red-handed in our attempts to surprise each other, me with an armful of linens and pillows, and Pete with a confused look on his face at what is piled high in my arms and collecting in the living room. My only utterance, "Want to go camping with me?" He happily obliged.
So we finished out Friday with the windows open (ahhh-mazing 60ish° outside), fort standing tall in the living room, bbq chicken cooking away in the oven, episode watching, milkshake drinking (cookies & cream = yum!), and a game of LIFE! Perfection, I think so.
But, Saturday topped it off. We spent the beautiful, sunny day outside running errands, browsing the flower section at Lowe's, and discovering a little more of Maryland. First was a visit to a giant, mint green flea market. I walked away content after finding (and purchasing) a bag full of apothecary jars and three dining room chairs to revamp. Followed by flower fever and completed errands, we treated ourselves to dessert before dinner with Rita's italian ice and custard, only to round out the night with burgers on the grill (so nice to finally use our little balcony!).

Sunday = a trip to Staunton for our engagement photo session. The drive down and back proved to be good conversation time for Pete and I. Come to think of it, we do have some of our best talks while driving. And of course, taking the pictures was super fun in itself. To say this weekend was perfect is almost an understatement. I couldn't have had more fun camping with my best friend. I think we're both ready to tackle this week head on, especially with some warm weather to accompany it! I hope you have some plans to spend time outside...who knows maybe a camping trip is appropriate :)
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