A home tour of our Halloween décor for all of the spooky and festive feels.
The cobwebs are hung and the bats are a flurry! Come on in and tour our Halloween home, complete with twinkle lights and pumpkins galore! You all know we love the holidays and creating magic in all the ways. Making our house feel festive is part of the fun, and it becomes increasingly more fun every year as the kids get into it and understand what's going on!
We hope you all have the best Halloween, finding just the right way to celebrate in a year that has been great at throwing curveballs! We have a handful of neighbors to visit (socially distanced no less) and some candy to hand out (maybe we'll pull out our candy shoot from years ago). We're looking to make the best of it, eat a little too much candy, and sport our family costume!
Now come sit awhile - coffee recommended - and enjoy the tour!

Thanks for stopping by, friends! Here's a look back at last year's Halloween décor!
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