Sister Snapshot Vol. 1

January 24, 2019

Time is flying by in the Hill house. I can't believe we have surpassed the half year mark with Quinny and that Greer can spell her name. And these two sisters are turning into the best little friends. Watching them interact is a dream, and it makes me so giddy to imagine the day they can truly play together. It will be here before I know it. So in order to savor the here and now, and to remember the sweetness of my girls at this age, I thought recording a snapshot of each one of them would be ideal. So here's to our first of many sister snapshots over the years!

G R E E R  ||  3 Years

Is my baby still a toddler? I'm not sure, but I do know she's a 3-year-old on the verge of turning 16. She's incredibly smart and quick-witted, turning jokes on us left and right. She's way cooler than either of her parents. I mentioned she can spell her name, and you have never seen a smile so proud as the one that graces her face after she spells it. She wants a sip, or five, of my coffee every morning; it doesn't matter if it's hot, cold, or frozen, this girl loves herself some coffee. She would wear a dress every day if she could, loves to have her hair put into piggy tails, and likes to have mama paint her toenails. Can't forget her purse, Greer insists on taking it and wearing it whenever we go out. She's my quintessential girly girl, who also loves exploring the outdoors and running wild in the sunshine...all while in a dress of course! She loves to color, and has started to master the art of coloring inside the lines. Her favorite after-dinner-activity is to color with her daddy while laying on the floor. Greer is the best big sister and has become so motherly with her baby sister. She loves to hold her and smother her in sugars. Most of all, she thinks it's the best to make her laugh. If she's not loving on Quinn, she's loving on her baby doll or stuffed animal. My girl is my big helper...she loves helping out in the kitchen (she even likes loading and unloading the dishwasher) or working along beside me on a DIY project. You should see the way she designs her dollhouse, decorates the fridge, and pounds on an old keyboard when she's "blogging." My Greer Bear is my little mini and my forever bestie. 

Q U I N N || 7 Months (as of tomorrow)

My little roly poly, Quinn is just scrumptious. She has the sweetest laugh and most contagious smile. As of late, she has perfected a fake laugh she will pull out of nowhere to make us laugh. She's our little ham. Quinn is growing and learning faster than we can keep up. She has broken her first tooth through, and that gummy smile is about to disappear. And just two days ago she surprised us by signing "eat" back to me, followed by signing "milk" back to me yesterday. Watching the things we are teaching her click is wildly wonderful and exciting. She really loves her rice cereal and oatmeal, the other foods can just leave her be. And the love she has for her feet is the cutest. Quinn is smitten with her big sister, and loves getting ahold of her piggy tails when she can reach, and oh does she try to reach. And for a solid month now, our little lady has been sleeping 12+ hours each night + putting herself to sleep at both bedtime and nap times. It's been a game changer. Quinny is just as happy as happy can be!